I am seeing if this blog is a place to put life updates. Facebook can get a little overwhelming sometimes when you post something, especially something positive and you get lots of likes and comments. I don't do those posts for the likes so much any more, I just do it for as it's a social outlet and...
Life Update June 2023
This is a relatively boring, long post all about me and my (monotonous) life. I wrote this originally for the intention to be transparent but ended up being mainly for my benefit to understand my life better. I don't expect you to read it all, and please skip the "Dia...
I’m starting to use this blog for more personal stuff, that is one of the changes that is going on for me. I eventually plan to set up separate business and personal websites so I can separate things like personal projects/blogs and work portfolio/resume.
There are some changes in the pipeline f...
The Current State of my Social Media
As some may be aware, I’m pretty active on most major social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more recently Mastodon.
I didn’t use to be as active, but then my activity on these platforms kind of exploded and hasn’t really stopped or slowed d...