Roll your own cloud storage
Cloud storage has become pretty common-place. With services like Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. It's a good place to put your stuff across your multiple devices, phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and more. Most of these services run on other computers, i...
Technology Setup May 2024
It's been a long time since my last post. I have been a little overwhelmed with new work, moving into a new rental unit, dealing with four social activities per week (having to cut down to 3) and some temporary mental health issues.. Which are fortunately usually very tem...
I am seeing if this blog is a place to put life updates. Facebook can get a little overwhelming sometimes when you post something, especially something positive and you get lots of likes and comments. I don't do those posts for the likes so much any more, I just do it for as it's a social outlet and...
It's been sweet
Apple is a very popular company, that's well known. Many people are attracted to their design, user experience that Apple curates in an extremely controlled way so that they can ensure each device is exactly as good as they can possibly make it. The end result is a range of computi...