Game Release - Gravity Flux
Lately I’ve been very busy in my own personal time working on a new game that I’ve released on Steam!
Gravity Flux a local multiplayer 2d fighting game where gravity changes. Available now at a very affordable price.
You can see development updates on my new game...
General Update - Website, Apple, Game to Release
Long time no blog post!
Website Stuff - Migration and Git
My website has been moved over from Net Virtue to VentraIP as VentraIP kinda bought Net Virtue. Fortunately, the monthly fee hasn't increased, yay.
However there has been an issue, the G...
2 Years of Working On My Game, Wizards with Rockets
It as been a little bit over 2 years since the first Git commit of my game. The first commit was on the 11th of April, 2018. I had been recovering from a mental illness. In that time I came up with several creative ideas, including this game. It...